
Tag Archives: video

I was sold on Dan Mangan a long time ago, but now he’s singing these words to ME over and over again in this song, which is fanTAStic.

Also, aside from being an extremely talented musician, this video’s adorable-dan-mangan-facial-expression quota is through the ROOF.  I am left blissful, and though I’m allergic to them, and all orchard fruits, craving apples.


Oh, AND, I believe that I should be first in line to be Dan Mangan’s next ‘new best friend forever’ because I personally know his doppleganger: Liam Smith from The Donefors, who also play delightfully amazing music.

Look at this resemblance!

obviously I mean bottom left, but pretty cute band, hey?

If you’re a regular reader, you know how much I love Allie’s thank you notes from

Sometimes I give my mom a really hard time about enforcing the use of the words ‘please’ and ‘thank you.’ I’m concerned that people (especially young impressionables) are being taught that just because you say these words, you’re showing that you are thankful or appreciative.  I think it takes more more than that. The expression of thanks is, in my opinion, useless unless that gratitude comes from a place of genuine appreciation.

Laura Trice gives a really short talk about the importance of saying thank you. One of her examples, a lady who gives her husband a list of things she’d like him to thank her for, might negate my previous point about thank you’s needing to be genuine, but I thank her for sharing it with us.

Thanks friends and strangers for reading my words and providing me with a reason to hold myself to a higher standard.

Yes, a sousaphone.  An instrument so grand in its proportions that the player of said instrument had to adjust the christmas light strings hanging above the stage.

I thought this night was just (pff ‘just’) going to be going out for drinks with a wonderful lady, but then I show up and it’s live Heavyweights Brass Band… and it’s really good.

Jan 13, 2011.

Please listen to that bass line and remember that he plays that instrument with his mouth the way that bass-players play their guitar with their fingers.  Wow.

Omigoodness, rip out my heart and see it throb with cuteness.

I have linked in the past to this song, because it’s great and gives me ‘goosies’ and made me hope for some sort of nostalgic love rememberance.  But now, NOW!!!!, I can love this song for a whole new reason; because a good friend who knew how much I loved the song sent me the link to this video where a dad and his adorable little daughter (I’m assuming) harmonize in a raw, yet rather talented fashion!

PLUS, she interrupts the song (1:50) to ask ‘One day I’m gonna whistle?’ AND she yawns and yet it still comes across as a FANTASTIC performance.

Beauteous.  Truly, adorably, wonderfully beauteous.

Remember all those times I’ve posted videos up on here and you’ve clicked through on them because you trusted my impeccable taste in visual entertainment or you wanted to prove how terrible it is by watching the video and hrmphing and ughing in response?

Well, while you did that you were contributing to a study on how music videos get shared and viewed.  Blogs and video sites like youtube are the winners:

click on me to read the article!

So in the spirit of continued sharing:

Know what happens when you stay home sick?

You get bored. You click away to the depths of the internet in a way you didn’t think you were still capable of.

I dedicate this post to the cool videos I found on the first day in this terrible bout of pain in which I could actually sit still for longer than 2 minutes.

1. I would play Nintendo to the end of the world if I could have this guy next to me improv-ing it up to my mad Mario World skills.

*warning* there are many links to this guy’s other videos. Resist. Or don’t. But you’ve been warned.

2. I’ve been kept up really late with pain and aggravation for the last three days, all days at least until the iniquitous hour of 4am.  When I decided to look up ‘funny’ videos on, this one coincidentally came up.

click through for the vid

3. Surprisingly, I haven’t taken the opportunity to watch that much World Cup while I’ve been off, but I did come across this post about how Nike harvested unrecycled bottles from Japanese landfills to create the Jerseys for World Cup.  Nike, you’ve come a long way baby.  The post is accompanied by this phenomenal film.

For added viewing pleasure: more videos!


MORE trippy. In fact, I`d say it`s seizure-iffic. Don`t watch if you`re prone to motion sickness. Or seizures. Also, the actual video starts at about 01:15

Brilliant Comedian Talking about Dinosaurs.  Oh man. This kind of shit-smart humour gets me HAWT.

NO. U dance YRself clean.

Do it.

New fav fer sure, obvs.

(I will forgive you for spelling your song this way, LCD, but only because this song is fully rad. Thanks for inserting it into my life.  Please refrain from using text language in your song titles in the future).

Pretty much since I was in grade school, my nickname has been smiLee, and I gave that name to myself, (a  fact that I’d like to re-approach another day, since I’m not sure if a nickname is real if it is self-assigned).

I distinctly remember the day that I decided it would be so.

I was in kindergarten, and I was playing with some small, coloured, wooden blooks.  The play-station next to me was the BIG plastic blocks, where you could create structures that were taller than your head.  I don’t remember who I was playing with, but we were talking about a girl in our class, let’s call her… Jane.  My classmate commented on how Jane was ALWAYS smiling.  I remember thinking how cool that was, and how I wished I could be like Jane [this is the moment of nickname decide-age].  Another classmate overheard us and decided that he knew how he would make Jane not smile, and he pushed the structure over onto her. Jane cried.  It was terrible.  Jane was still a very smiley girl after that day, but there was a subtle fade in the brightness of her smile; something about the determination of someone else to make her not smile in that one instance actually changed her whole way of being.  I will never forgive that classmate for pushing those blocks onto Jane, but I will always remember her whenever I use that nickname or when I feel more smiley and optimistic than others would expect.

This video, which is GREAT and AMAZING [and 16min long, so make sure you have time] just reminded me of Jane.  I hope she’s out there somewhere, still validating.

I feel it in my BONES.

New fave song. Not sure about the video yet, but it’ll do, pig.

As I started to type the title of this post, I had a flashback to that viral video of that poor little boy going to the dentist and getting recorded afterwords all hopped up on dental drugs.

I can’t help but think that what I’m feeling right now is the same way he’d have felt after those drugs wore off:  I’m real again.  My core sense of doing and being is back. 

I truly think that while I watched all those Olympics in the last 2.5 weeks that my soul and energy was literally being drawn right out of me.

I thought each day ‘Why am I SO tired? Oh well, I can just go veg out and watch the athletic spectacle.’  But now I’m starting to believe that it was just a cycle. I was tired because I could watch TV.  If it wasn’t there for me  to watch, it’s not like I would have sat there doing nothing, I’d be puttering, walking, talking, cooking, cleaning, etc.

Almost 8 years ago I successfully filled the stereotype and gained the Freshman Fifteen, I wonder if anyone else has gained the Olympic Five?