
Tag Archives: video

Those three doubleyews were not a pun on the fact that the book I read is about technology.

Take a look, it’s in a boooooook.

I took a look, it was a book.

by Douglas Coooooouplaaaaand.

The Book: Generation A

The thoughts: Oh Dougy, you have such incredible skill with words. You capture me moment by moment by having those paragraphs that literally just make me think you’re reading my mind, or at least the mind of someone I’ve met in my life.  You use pop culture references intelligently, in this way that makes me think I’ll come back to read your books in the future for accurate nostalgia.  But GEEZ Doug, what is WITH your plotlines?  I’m not really a very apt book reviewer, so I’ll link to this (somewhat spoiler-filled) review by Toby Litt, who also has a problem with Coupland’s plotlines.   My problem is obviously pretty minimal though, because I can’t wait to read another D.C. classic.

Basia > Slayer

I think you’ll like this video:


To the rest of you; I hope you do too.

yeah….. so… Regina is the shit.

I’m having a night to myself with her, and a bottle of VQA wine from a winery called ‘Thirty Bench.’  It’s a Reisling, and I’m a Singing;

you brush your teeth

when you wake up in the morning…

In regards to my post last night about lucky charms and ‘breakfast’ cereals, I think more teeth-care instructionals should tell kids to brush teeth AFTER they eat brekkie.

In case YOU forget how to brush your teeth, here’s a well-animated video to remind you.



Also, the song that I was quoting in the title:


This video is dedicated to a special lady who, like me, holds a special place in her heart for sickeningly sweet animated videos about love and romance.




i love animated music videos

my aunt sent this to me.

I opened it this morning.  I love seeing how happy it made a bunch of the older ladies who were lucky enough to be in this station when it happened.

It made me so happy it brought tears to my eyes.

I think it’s time to start doing dance lessons again… or at least host dance parties in the park!

i was going through my list of ‘never played once’ songs in my music player and my coworker advised me to stay on this song.

the song is great.

the video is awesome.

i must be crazy in the coconut.

went for a lovely skate the other morning, got some shwarma and sat and ate it in the sun in the park.  watched many dog owners… and watched an especially adorable lab follow around a woman that was rearranging the garbage in the park before trying to dig into her styrofoam of chinese food.  the dog followed her for more than 10 minutes. it was quite hilarious. 

saw two love birds playing

looked up tiffany’s song on youtube and found this butchering of the song. I don’t reccomend watching all of it. it’s bad.


don’t mess with my tiffany. i’ll get my lovebirds to peck your eyes out.